2026 Summer Camp Early Registration Renewal
Camp Frontier offers any Troop the ability to renew their registration for summer camp for the next year in the same campsite during the same week number as the previous year. The early renewal period for the 2026 summer camping season opens on May 12, 2025. Troops wishing to renew for the same summer camp week number and campsite can do so by completing the form below. Sites will open for reservations to the general population on June 2, 2025, so be sure to make your request before this time.
Q. What if we want to change to a different campsite or week number?
A. Troops looking to change their site or week number must wait for registration to open for the general population and secure an open site at that time.
Q. Is there different times that reservations open for in or out of council units?
A. No, early registration and general registration are open for all units on the same dates no matter if you are in or out of council.